Ministry of all-encompassing defence

Reznikov Oleksii
10 min readAug 25, 2022


Ukrainian version of the text

Six months of heroic resistance to the full-scale Russian invasion proved the invincibility of spirit of the Ukrainian people and the remarkable professionalism of all components of the Ukrainian defence forces: the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police, the State Border Guard Service, the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, the State Security Administration and others.

We have come a long way which is worth analyzing to stay on the course that will lead us to victory in this war.

Today the assessments of high-ranking officials and respected think tanks allocated 72 hours for capturing Kyiv and a few weeks for the defeat of the entire Ukraine that in winter of 2022 look like an outright misunderstanding.

The Kremlin was also sure of this. Russian soldiers carried their parade uniforms to walk on Khreschatyk. But reality turned out to be completely different. As well as the Kyiv “parade” of the once “second army in the world”.

So, why were the partners and enemies wrong? What did Ukraine surprise them with?

It is all about underestimating at least three factors.

First, the Russian invaders failed to paralyze the Ukrainian government both psychologically and technically. Not for a single day in the last 6 months, including the first shocking days, have the Ukrainian authorities lost control over the country. Our authorities maintained control over all key processes and ensured defence management. State institutions have demonstrated resilience that was not taken into account by both the West and Russia.

To a large extent, the COVID-19 pandemic “helped” us with this. It taught us to work and adopt decisions remotely. Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal organized the uninterrupted work of the Government in extremely difficult conditions, when it was necessary to respond to unprecedented challenges. Thanks to the leadership of Mykhailo Fedorov, we managed to digitalize a lot of processes. At the same time, we were able to protect our communication systems and digital infrastructure that were attacked first, even before the attempts to destroy our aviation and air defence units.

Secondly, many saw Russia’s attack on Ukraine as a war of the “big Soviet army” against the “small Soviet army”, in which the “small army” was doomed.

They failed to consider that Ukraine has been in a de facto state of war for the last 8 years and has already gained combat experience. Also, during these years we learned a lot from our NATO colleagues. Our army has changed: not completely, but significantly.

In our army, Ukrainian military professionals who got their education after 1991 and grew up during the real war are starting to play first roles. The number of officers, from lieutenants to generals and admirals, petty officers and sergeants, who were formed in different traditions without Soviet heritage is increasing. Many of them became real leaders on the battlefield.

Thirdly, and most importantly, they underestimated the Ukrainian society which has undergone an even greater transformation than our government and military. Actually, the changes in society are the source and guarantee of sustainability of changes in state institutions.

The Ukrainian society is truly free. When free Ukrainian people who fight for their land and their families meet in battle with Putin’s slaves, we have the edge. The government and army rely on our free nation, and in Ukraine this bond is unbreakable. Namely, our volunteers became the superpower which the enemy could not predict. Their contribution together with the contribution of ordinary people is priceless and is literally on the cosmic level.

As you may remember, back in 2021 when the first information on the risks of invasion started circulating, internal destabilization in Ukraine was considered a necessary prerequisite of the invaders’ success. This destabilization was to become the first stage of the escalation. However, Ukrainians withstood the pressure, demonstrated true unity and thwarted enemy plans.

Hence, the evaluation was based on quantitative indicators and failed to fully consider qualitative changes. This is strange.

After all, Ukraine is not “little Russia” and not a “post-Soviet” country any more for a long time. The book “Ukraine is not Russia” by the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma was published 19 years ago. Many things have happened during this time; a new generation has grown up.

The success in state-building and today’s victories on the battlefield are, among other things, related to the 30-year long influence of the free world and Western investments in the broadest sense of these words.

That is to say, Ukraine is already a success story for the West as well. Fear and artificial stereotypes imposed by Russia and its agents of influence prevent many people in Europe or America from seeing Ukraine as its success story that already happened and therefore believing in it.

Hence, at the general political level, the basic condition of our success is to continue transformations that have already created a safety margin even in the face of overwhelming enemy forces. In this context, fair trial and the battle against corruption are also elements that strengthen our defenses. A corrupt official at war is a looter.

If we take a narrower dimension, that is the actual defence to rebuff the enemy, several elements should be distinguished.

First of all, Article 17 of the Constitution of Ukraine clearly defines that the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country is a matter that concerns the entire Ukrainian nation. That is, every citizen without exceptions.

At the same time, the principle of all-encompassing defence is a basic postulate of the Ukrainian Military Security Strategy. A postulate that directly involves the employment of the entire potential of the state and society to repel the aggression.

It was laid down in the documents and, to be honest, was perceived by many as a kind of abstraction.

After 24 February 2022 many more people realized that everything has changed. If we really want to save our country with such a neighbor, we need to be constantly ready for total defence. It will be a matter that concerns not only professional soldiers, but all Ukrainian citizens.

Each of us will have to sacrifice a part of one’s own comfort and regular life for the sake of Ukraine. It will never be like it used to be before.

The task of the state is to expand the system of rules and mechanisms that will ensure the training of citizens and their participation in the all-encompassing defence.

For instance, in these 6 months we have obtained experience of using Territorial Defence Forces in military operations. We made conclusions from this experience.

The legal regulation of firearms circulation, the formation of gun culture is on the agenda today. There will be changes in medical infrastructure and education, both in form and in essence.

Military training should become one of the mandatory requirements for public service as well as running for local self-governing bodies, the Parliament, courts etc.

All areas must be analyzed through the prism of the need to be ready for defence. We can apply the term “smart militarization” to these processes. After all, “militarization” in Israel, Sweden, Switzerland on the one hand and Russia, North Korea on the other hand have fundamental differences. It is important not to lose the essence.

Secondly, as for the Ministry of Defence itself.

Let me remind you that the Ministry of Defence is the main body in the system of central executive bodies that ensure the formation and implementation of state policy on national security matters in the military sphere and areas of defence & military development, both in peacetime and during special periods.

The change in the scale of challenged requires alteration of approaches.

The first task is to complete the transition from the “ministry of the army” to the actual “ministry of defence”. That is, a ministry which takes care not only of military personnel and support of combat operations, but of the entire range of issues related to the country’s preparation for total defence. Interaction with the civilian population is equally important. This includes matters of information policy, cooperation with communities and institutions of civil society etc. This also involves a close interaction with the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on the new veteran policy.

In this regard, a lot was done by colleagues who had worked on this position before me. But there are still issues that hinder the harmonious work of the Ministry of Defence as a civilian state body that develops policies, carries out the military, political and administrative management of the Armed Forces, and the General Staff as a purely military management body.

Some of the issues concern changes to legislation and regulatory documents, the redistribution of functions and elimination of duplications. Another matter is the change of the general culture of interactions. This requires time and renewal of personnel.

For example, from time to time as a minister I encounter things or practices that I consider irrational and harmful. I ask what legal norms they are governed by. Very often there is no legal basis, just traditions that began some time ago. Some “traditions” have to be eradicated together with their bearers.

Thirdly, it is the development of cooperation with partners.

During my appointment, I made it one of my priorities to ensure de facto integration into NATO. In March 2022 we offered out partners a logic which every day, even during the war, makes our army more and more compatible with the armies of NATO countries.

In winter, we faced the enemy with several types of ATGMs and MANPADS (now there are dozens of them). But today Ukrainian soldiers are destroying Russian invaders with 7 different types of 155-mm artillery, that is hundreds of cannons and self-propelled artillery units, three types of MLRS systems, anti-ship and anti-radar missiles, counter-battery fire systems, modern UAVs, Western armored vehicles etc. Our defenses will soon be enhanced by modern air defence systems: NASAMS and Iris-T.

I want to emphasize that all this happened in less than 6 months.

When we started the discussion on each of the abovementioned weapon category, the answer was the same: you will not get it, it’s impossible. As it turned out over time it was possible if Ukraine would be efficient and persistent. The breakthrough was made thanks to the personal 24/7 involvement of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, our diplomats led by Dmytro Kuleba and Ukrainian defence attachés in the Ministry of Defence system. Everyone did their best at their own level.

Today, there is a discussion on obtaining tanks, aircrafts, long-range missiles etc. from partners. The peculiarity of the current stage is that these steps significantly deepen the integration. After all, the development of modern aviation and air defence systems is a strategic goal for years. It can only be solved by integration into the European security system.

In fact, we are talking about removing the last barriers after which the Ukrainian army will no longer be perceived as something separate from the European defence forces. To succeed, it is necessary for Europe to realize that Ukraine is a shield in the east that needs to be strengthened.

Systematic work is already underway on this.

Thanks to the leadership of the USA and personally of the US Secretary of State Lloyd Austin III, the “Ramstein” format was launched to ensure coordination of aid to Ukraine from 50 countries. The mechanism of donor conferences was launched thanks to the leadership of Great Britain and its Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace. Recently as a result of Denmark’s initiative and the personal input of Defence Minister Morten Bødskov, this cooperation was deepened in Copenhagen on the meeting of Ukrainian partners from Northern Europe.

Ukraine received an all-round support from the Government and people of Poland, from our friends in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. We are developing partnerships with so many countries that I am always afraid to forget someone when I am reciting them.

In addition to discussing the urgent needs of the Ukrainian army, we are conducting a dialogue on long-term cooperation programs. Such programs will include the production of military weapons and equipment, repair, systematic training of our military etc.

So, the recipe for victory is:

  • Preserving the unity of Ukrainians;
  • Changes in public consciousness, transition to an all-encompassing defence through smart militarization;
  • System integration into the European security system with a function of a key element in the defence of Europe in the east;
  • Deepening of reforms, fair trial, zero tolerance to corruption.

I want to emphasize the following. Today we are able to plan and think about the future owing to those who have been holding the front lines for these 6 months. In Kharkiv, Mariupol, Izium, Volnovakha, Chernihiv, Okhtyrka, Severodonetsk, Gostomel, Sumy, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Irpin, Lysychansk, Moschun, in hundreds of other Ukrainian settlements. And the battle is not over yet. The main events lie ahead.

Thousands of our heroes sacrificed their lives so that Ukraine would have a chance to determine its future. Hundreds of our people are held in captivity, and we are fighting for them. We still have losses, pain, lots of hard work at full capacity ahead of us.

We have to remember this. Because when danger recedes, some have the temptation to forget at what cost and by whose efforts Ukraine survived.

Defenders, rescuers, doctors, volunteers, public servants and employees of local self-government bodies, utility workers, businesses — all of them today are standing their ground.

Ukrainians have already shown that together we are an invincible force.

We will definitely achieve a common victory and celebrate it in Luhansk and Sevastopol, in the restored Kharkiv and revived Mariupol.

We will get our people back, release Ukrainian children abducted by the Russians, punish criminals.

And we will remember with a softly spoken kind word all those who fought at different times to make Ukraine happen.

Original text

